Meditation and Creative Arts
Online Training | Workshops | 1-1 Mentorships
Now Available for In-Person and Online Bookings

What is Creative Mindfulness?
Creative Mindfulness artfully combines self-reflective, silent meditation with dynamic, creative self-expression. Contemplative practices and expressive practices both elevate and enhance one another. Developing both of these skillsets can quiet the mind and plug you into the moment, generating a much-needed sense of peace and strengthening our resilience.
Our signature full-day workshop experiences are tailored to fit your group’s unique goals. The actionable takeaways are just as impactful whether they bring together a group of parents looking to connect meaningfully with their children, a group of employees looking for team-building and mental wellness, creatives looking to tap further into their craft, or youths looking to work on their confidence.
About Our Founder
Alex S. Hudson is a certified meditation teacher, stage actor, college professor, public speaking instructor and mother.
Over the years, she has drawn many thematic parallels between acting and meditating, which she developed into a unique framework for teaching mental wellness-seekers how to live more mindfully and peacefully in an increasingly agitating world.
This framework is called Creative Mindfulness.
In the signature Moment-to-Moment day-long workshops she leads, Alex guides parents, businesses, creatives, and youths toward more fulfillment, resilience, confidence and gratitude. The School also offers one-on-one mentorships, mini-series, and programs for youths in school.
Given our current reality, the School has recently adapted its methods to be just as effective as an online experience. In so doing, it has opened itself up to aligned souls all around the world.

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